How To Spot Fake Marcelo Burlon Wings (2024)

Written by
Ch David
Marcelo Burlon fake vs real
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Last Updated on January 10, 2024 by Ch David

If you are looking to learn how to spot fake Marcelo Burlon Wings items, then you are in the right place.

Today, we are going to teach you how to spot fake vs real Marcelo Burlon Wings items.

In this fake vs real Marcelo Burlon Wings legit check guide, we will link reference real vs fake Marcelo Burlon Wings images in order for you to easily understand all of the flaws on the fake items.

Now that you know properly what this is about, let’s proceed to the ways on how to spot fake Marcelo Burlon Wings items.

How to tell if your Marcelo Burlon is real or fake

The fastest way to spot fake Marcelo Burlon Wings items is to scan the wash tag for any inconsistencies in terms of text positioning and font-weight flaws. The text on the authentic items is supposed to be flawless.

1. Wash tag

  • The Marcelo Burlon top logo is too long in height, as it looks stretched out.
  • The “MARCELO BULRON” text logo is too thin.
  • The “MARCELO BURLON” text is improperly spaced between the characters, as the letters are placed too close to each other.
  • The fake item has its “COUNTY OF MILAN” text which looks too small and thin.
  • Going to the “CMAA …” text, the fake item has this long line of text looking too thick and too boxy.
  • The fake Marcelo Burlon Wings item has its “SIZE” text thinner than what it is supposed to look like.
  • The “SIZE CA” text on the fake Marcelo Burlon Wings piece is also too boxy and thick.
  • The “FABRIC” text looks too thin on the fake wash tag.

Want the expert's opinion? Let our Marcelo Burlon authenticators check your tee:

2. Neck tag

  • The “MARCELO BURLON” and “COUNTRY OF MILAN” prints are too thin.
  • The text on the fake item is waving. By that, we mean that some of the letters are smaller than supposed to be.
    • The waving flaw can be visible on the fake item’s letter “A” in the “MARCELO” text.
    • For example, and “ON” in the “BURLON” text.
  • The fake item has its circle on the “©” symbol incomplete, while the character on the authentic item is fully visible — from the letter to the circle.

The letters on the authentic Marcelo Burlon Wings items always have their letters at the same height. Therefore, the letters on the legit Marcelo Burlon Wings items are always properly aligned.

Shortlist: Authenticate your Marcelo Burlon item

  1. Inspect the wash tag of your item. Counterfeit items often exhibit improperly font-weighted text on the wash tag, with variations in character thickness. This inconsistency leads to text that appears both too thin and too thick in areas where uniform font-weight is expected.
  2. Check the neck tag of your Marcelo Burlon Wings item. Fake items frequently showcase text on the neck tag that is overly thin and wavering, with letters that are inaccurately shaped and sized. Additionally, pay attention to the copyright symbol, as fake items commonly lack a complete circle for this symbol.

The comprehensive three steps provided above for distinguishing real vs fake Marcelo Burlon Wings items might not be the most convenient option when you’re in a rush or considering an online purchase.

That’s why this short list may be of help when you’re in a rush.

Expert Marcelo Burlon authentication

Should you require assistance in verifying the authenticity of your Marcelo Burlon Wings item, rest assured that we are here to assist you.

Simply provide us with high-quality images of your Marcelo Burlon item, and within 24 to 48 hours, we will respond with the results. Moreover, the results will be accompanied by a comprehensive report outlining the reasons behind our assessment of whether your item is genuine or counterfeit.

With this, we conclude our guide on distinguishing between fake and authentic Marcelo Burlon Wings items. As more accurate and updated comparisons become available, we are committed to continually updating this article.

Need our opinion on your item’s authenticity? It’s a service we provide.

Get a fully-detailed report for why you have a real or fake item. Takes less than 48 hours!

Alternatively, use our free resources: written guides and video tutorials.

Thank you for reading this,

Ch Daniel and Ch David

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About the Author

David is the co-founder and co-CEO of Legit Check By Ch. David's experience: 5+ years of creating educational content in the fashion industry. 6+ years of authenticating luxury items. Currently, David is the Head Editor of the LCBC Library, where 1,000,000+ words have been published, in free guides, for over 1,000 items.
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