Last Updated on kwiecień 12, 2024 by Ch David
In this guide, we’ll teach you what makes an authentic Dior Saddle bag. Alternatively, you can reach out to our Professional Dior Bag Authenticators.
The fastest way to spot fake Dior Saddle bags is to check the label on the interior side of the bag. Fakes always have a compromise of quality in terms of stitching and printing the inscriptions.
The label found on the authentic Dior Saddle bag has its stitching looking thicker. It also has all of the stitches in place, without skipping any stitches.
Czy to zbyt trudne? Skontaktuj się z naszymi ekspertami w dziedzinie uwierzytelniania marki Dior:
Now, if that’s not so easy to spot, we’ve got you covered with this detailed image:
On the other hand, the authentic Dior Saddle bag has its shape at the top and looks curvier than the fake bag’s shape.
The authentic Saddle bag has its text looking thinner, as it is printed less deep into the belt.
The fake bag has its text improperly positioned on the label:
Shortly: The fake text is inverted — it reads the other way around.
Krótka wzmianka:
W razie wątpliwości zalecamy dwukrotne sprawdzenie kroków, które wyjaśniliśmy powyżej tego wiersza.
The real text is thicker.
As you may notice, the authentic Dior Saddle bag has a colour a bit darker than the fake bag’s text.
On the other hand, the zipper on the authentic Dior Saddle bag rolls up to the very edge of the hardware.
Certain scenarios might arise where following each intricate step outlined above becomes impractical while attempting to authenticate your Dior bag.
This is precisely why we’ve assembled a rapid 60-second authentication solution for your bag. Presented above are the primary five cues that can assist you in distinguishing between a counterfeit bag and a genuine Dior-manufactured bag.
If you require assistance in authenticating your Dior Saddle bag, you can rely on us.
Simply provide us with high-quality images of your Dior Saddle bag, and within 24 to 48 hours, we’ll furnish you with the results.
Additionally, the results will be accompanied by a report detailing our assessment of whether your bag is genuine or counterfeit.
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Ch Daniel i Ch David