Real vs Fake YSL: The LouLou Bag (2024)

Napisany przez
Ch David
YSL Loulou Bag
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Last Updated on kwiecień 12, 2024 by Ch David

You might be here because you:

  • Have a YSL LouLou bag
  • Are not sure if it’s original or not
  • So you want to learn how to verify it

This is the place to be in. We’ve set up the ultimate YSL LouLou authentication guide. As per our expert YSL authenticators, this guide highlights the top 7 spots to check for verifying your bag.

How you can tell if a YSL LouLou is fake

Start with the inner ‘SAINT LAURENT PARIS’ interior label. Replicas often falter in font-weight here.

1. Etykieta wewnętrzna

Comparison of the real vs fake YSL LouLou Bags for their interior labels
  • Autentyczny: “SAINT LAURENT PARIS” print is thick.
  • Fałszywy: “SAINT LAURENT PARIS” print is thin and noticeably different from the authentic bag.

Czy to zbyt trudne? Reach out to our expert YSL authenticators:

2. YSL metal logo

Comparison of the real vs fake YSL LouLou Bags for their metal logos
  • Autentyczny:
    1. Gaps in metal areas where “Y” meets “S” are shallower.
    2. Corners of the letter “S” are sharper.
    3. The vertical leg of “L” is thicker.
  • Fałszywy:
    1. Gaps in metal areas where “Y” meets “S” are deeper.
    2. Corners of the letter “S” are less sharp.
    3. The vertical leg of “L” is thinner.

3. SLP printed logo

Comparison of the real vs fake YSL LouLou Bags for their interior engravings
  • Autentyczny: Side printing is thicker and larger.
  • Fałszywy: Side printing is thinner and smaller.

Krótka wzmianka:

  • Kroki, które napisaliśmy do tej pory to BEST sposoby uwierzytelnienia tego przedmiotu
  • Kolejnych kilka kroków to wciąż niezawodne metody...
  • ... ale mają one zastosowanie do innych niż topowe wersji replik dostępnych dla tego przedmiotu

W razie wątpliwości zalecamy dwukrotne sprawdzenie kroków, które wyjaśniliśmy powyżej tego wiersza.

4. Shape

Comparison of the real vs fake YSL LouLou Bags from the side
  • Autentyczny: Deeper indentation.
  • Fałszywy: Shallower indentation.

5. Back

Comparison of the real vs fake YSL LouLou Bags for their from the back
  • Autentyczny: Deeper stitches, more defined.
  • Fałszywy: Shallower stitches, less defined.

6. Bottom

Comparison of the real vs fake YSL LouLou Bags from the bottom
  • Autentyczny: Genuine leather bottom material.
  • Fałszywy: Fake leather material with a more textured appearance.

7. Carbine

Comparison of the real vs fake YSL LouLou Bags for their carbines
  • Autentyczny: “SAINT LAURENT” text on the carbines is printed less deeply.
  • Fałszywy: “SAINT LAURENT” text on the carbines is printed more deeply.

Krótka lista: Verify your YSL LouLou

  1. Inner Text Examination: Ensure the “YVES SAINT LAURENT PARIS” print isn’t too thin.
  2. Front “YSL” Logo Analysis: Genuine logos are not overly thin or curvy; watch for too-deep spaces where the letters merge.
  3. Side “SAINT LAURENT” Printing: Authentic bags don’t have text that’s overly small or thin.
  4. Side Dent Inspection: Authentic YSL bags feature a more pronounced dent.
  5. Rear Pattern Stitching: Check that the stitching isn’t shallow; it should be adequately deep.
  6. Bottom Material Check: Genuine YSL Loulou bags utilize real leather at the base.
  7. Carbine “SAINT LAURENT” Print: Counterfeit bags often have overly deep text impressions on the carbines.

Above are the top 7 signs to quickly discern between an real vs fake Yves Saint Laurent Loulou.

Expert YSL LouLou authentication

  • Send us photos of your YSL Loulou bag.
  • Get a detailed report from us within 24 to 48 hours.

As we wrap up our Yves Saint Laurent Loulou bag authentication guide, rest assured we’ll keep it updated with the latest insights and comparisons.

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O autorze

David jest współzałożycielem i współzałożycielem Legit Check By Ch. Doświadczenie Davida: 5+ lat tworzenia treści edukacyjnych w branży modowej. Ponad 6 lat uwierzytelniania luksusowych przedmiotów. Obecnie David jest redaktorem naczelnym biblioteki LCBC, w której opublikowano ponad 1 000 000 słów w bezpłatnych przewodnikach dotyczących ponad 1 000 przedmiotów.
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