Essentials T-SHIRT: Real Vs Fake Comparison (2025)

Written by
Ч Дэвид
replica vs authentic fear of god essentials tee

Last Updated on Январь 6, 2025 by Ч Дэвид

The best way to spot fake Fear Of God Essentials t-shirts is to see if the text on the wash tag is too thin. Most fake t-shirts have very thin or super thick inscriptions, while all of the genuine Fear Of God t-shirts have their text properly detailed.

Want to learn how to spot fake Fear Of God Essentials t-shirts? Don’t want to get scammed with a fake FOG Essentials tee?

If so, then we’ve got you covered with this real vs fake FOG Essentials t-shirt legit check guide that portrays everything you need to know when trying to authenticate t-shirts and other Essentials hoodies.

Just by reading and following the steps in this guide, by the end of the reading, you are hopefully going to easily know how to spot fake Fear Of God tees.

How to know if your Essentials Fear Of God t-shirt is real

To know if your Essentials Fear Of God t-shirt is real, you should check the wash tag: very thick inscriptions always indicate a replica. The same applies to text which is so thin that it almost looks scratched.

Now, let’s dive into the fully-detailed legit check guide for Essentials t-shirts.

1. Стиральная бирка с лицевой стороны

  • The fake wash tag has its text badly font-weighted.
  • All of the inscriptions are too thin.
  • This is most visible if you look at: “100% COTTON”, “RN# 090233”, “OVER FOR CARE”.

Looking at the genuine Fear Of God tee, you can see how its same inscriptions look thicker and more defined than the fake ones.

Вердикт эксперта - Позвольте нашей команде взглянуть на вашу одежду FOG:

2. Задняя сторона стиральной бирки

The wash tags there are not so different from their front sides, but keep in mind that checking this spot is very important as the wash tags can easily tell you the authenticity of a FOG tee.

As you can see in the authentic vs fake Fear of God Essentials tee image above:

  • The fake tee has its text too thin.

Regardless of what the text reads, an authentic Fear Of God tee’s wash tag should have the same thickness as the one seen on the real wash tag above.

Look at a further comparison of the same wash tag, but on an ESSENTIALS hoodie right here.

3. Бирка на шею

The neck tag is pretty simple as it usually says the same words throughout the Essentials tees of different releases.

As simple as it is, the neck tag can also easily tell you whether you are looking at a real or fake ESSENTIALS t-shirt.

In the image with the authentic vs replica Fear Of God Essentials t-shirts above:

  • The fake tee has its text at the wrong thickness.
  • The “ESSENTIALS” and “FEAR OF GOD” inscriptions are too small.
  • The fake Fear Of God tee’s text is also too thick when put side-by-side with the real deal.

Speaking of which, the authentic Fear Of God Essentials t-shirt’s inscriptions on the neck tag look bigger and also a bit thinner than the fake ones.

Небольшое упоминание:

  • На данный момент мы написали следующие шаги ЛУЧШИЙ способы проверки подлинности этого предмета
  • Следующие несколько шагов - это все еще надежные методы...
  • ... но они относятся к нетоповым версиям реплик, доступных для этого товара

Если вы сомневаетесь, рекомендуем перепроверить действия, описанные выше в этой строке.

Shop authentic Fear of God Essentials hoodies, t-shirts, and more at GOAT

4. Size tab

In the image with the real vs fake Fear Of God Essentials tees above:

  • The fake item’s “Made in Vietnam” text is too thick and too big.

On the other hand, the same inscription seen on the genuine FOG tee is supposed to be thinner and smaller than the fake one.

5. Front print

Proceeding to the fifth way of the guide on how to legit check Fear Of God Essentials t-shirts, we are going to talk about the main print which stands out on the FOG ESsentials tees.

In the image with the fake vs real Fear Of God Essentials tees above:

  • The fake t-shirt has its “ESSENTIALS” text too wide.
  • Most visible in the letters “S” and “T”, where the letters are too large.

The authentic t-shirt’s letters are narrower than the replica “ESSENTIALS” print.

6. Rubber tag

In the image with the authentic vs fake Fear Of God Essentials t-shirts above:

  • The fake FOG tee’s stitches are too thick and bulky.

Speaking of which, the authentic tee has its threads looking thinner and tinier than the fake ones.

Shortlist: Legit check t-shirts in 30 seconds

  1. Check the first wash tag of your item, as most of the fake products have their wash tag’s text too thin.
  2. Осмотрите заднюю сторону ярлыка, потому что у поддельных толстовок Fear Of God Essentials текст имеет плохой шрифт.
  3. Посмотрите на текст на горловой бирке вашей толстовки Fear Of God, так как на поддельных толстовках текст обычно слишком толстый или слишком тонкий.
  4. Authenticate the “ESSENTIALS” text on the front side of your Fear Of God Essentials hoodie. In most cases, the replica FOG t-shirts have their text too wide.
  5. Inspect the text found on the rubber tag. Usually, the fake Fear Of God Essentials have their text too thick or too thin there

There are situations, where you may be unable to go through each detailed step, explained above when you need to authenticate your Fear Of God Essentials tee.

That is why we have compiled this quick 60-second solution to authenticating your Essentials t-shirt.

Expert authentication service for Essentials

If you need help with the authentication of your Fear Of God Essentials tee, we’ve got you covered.

All you have to do is send us good-quality pictures of your Fear Of God Essentials tee item and we will get back to you with the results within 24 to 48 hours. The results will also come with a report on why we believe your tee is fake or authentic.

That brings us to the end of our fake vs real Fear Of God Essentials tee legit check guide. We will continue to update this article as better and newer comparisons are put out.

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Ч Дэниел и Ч Дэвид

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About the Author

Дэвид - соучредитель и исполнительный директор компании Legit Check By Ch. Опыт Дэвида: 5+ лет создания образовательного контента в индустрии моды. 6+ лет работы по проверке подлинности предметов роскоши. В настоящее время Дэвид является главным редактором библиотеки LCBC, где было опубликовано 1 000 000+ слов в бесплатных руководствах для более чем 1 000 предметов.
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