YSL Bag: How To Spot Fake VS Real (With Pictures)

Written by
Ч Дэвид
YSL Kate Bag

Last Updated on Июнь 2, 2024 by Ч Дэвид

  • You have a YSL bag
  • And you’re not sure if it’s authentic

This guide gives you the piece of mind.

Alternatively, reach out to our expert YSL Bag Authentication Service — we have a team of experts ready to check your bag.

How to Tell If a YSL Bag is Authentic

The answer is: Check if the “SAINT LAURENT PARIS” engraving has the same thickness for all letters. Fake bags never have the right font-weight for their inscriptions.

1. Interior label

Fake Vs Real YSL LouLou tag
  • Аутентичный: The authentic text is thicker
  • Подделка: “SAINT LAURENT PARIS” is too thin.

Also, see how the fake “MADE IN ITALY” print is too tall compared to the real one.

Authentic bags must be flawless. YSL is one of the top brands in the luxury industry.

Это слишком сложно? Reach out to our expert YSL authenticators:

2. Handler

Real vs Fake YSL Sac De Jour stitching
  • Аутентичный: Rich stitching density.
  • Подделка: Thinner, longer, and less dense stitches.

3. SLP Engraving

You’ll find this on the other side of the label we’ve just looked at.

YSL Niki Original Real vs Fake labels
  • Аутентичный: Thinner print and stitching.
  • Подделка: Text and stitching are too thick.

4. YSL Initials

This is the YSL metal logo outside the bag.

Real vs Fake YSL Niki Original
  • Аутентичный: Thicket letters which come out of the bag.
  • Подделка: Thinner letters.

5. Zipper

Real vs Fake YSL Sac De Jour
  • Аутентичный: Thinner, smaller “SAINT LAURENT PARIS” engraving.
  • Подделка: Very thick text — also too big.

Небольшое упоминание:

  • На данный момент мы написали следующие шаги ЛУЧШИЙ способы проверки подлинности этого предмета
  • Следующие несколько шагов - это все еще надежные методы...
  • ... но они относятся к нетоповым версиям реплик, доступных для этого товара

Если вы сомневаетесь, рекомендуем перепроверить действия, описанные выше в этой строке.

6. Stitching

YSL Kate Bag Real vs Fake Difference
  • Аутентичный: Thinner, longer stitching.
  • Подделка: A bit thicker and shorter stitches.

7. Serial number

Some YSL bags have their serial number on the other side of the “SAINT LAURENT PARIS” interior label.

That’s what we’ll now check out.

YSL Niki Original Real vs Fake labels
  • Аутентичный: Thicker letters and numbers.
  • Подделка: The text is too thin.

8. Buttons

YSL Kate Bag Real vs Fake Difference
  • Аутентичный: Thin and easy to read inscription.
  • Подделка: Thicker, almost illegible text.

9. Dent

Fake Vs Real YSL LouLou pattern
  • Аутентичный: Deeper gap/dent into the leather.
  • Подделка: Smaller — doesn’t look as deep as the original.

10. Shape

YSL Kate Bag Real vs Fake Difference
  • Аутентичный: Sharper corners.
  • Подделка: Wider appearance.

Список избранных: Quickly tell a fake YSL

  1. Interior Label: Authentic has thicker text; fake has too thin “SAINT LAURENT PARIS” and tall “MADE IN ITALY” print.
  2. Handler: Authentic features rich stitching density; fake has thinner, longer, less dense stitches.
  3. SLP Engraving: Authentic offers thinner print and stitching; fake presents too thick text and stitching.
  4. YSL Initials: Authentic displays thicker letters protruding from the bag; fake has thinner letters.
  5. Zipper: Authentic has thinner, smaller “SAINT LAURENT PARIS” engraving; fake shows very thick and large text.
  6. Stitching: Authentic has thinner, longer stitching; fake uses slightly thicker and shorter stitches.
  7. Serial Number: Authentic includes thicker letters and numbers; fake’s text is too thin.
  8. Buttons: Authentic features thin, legible inscriptions; fake has thicker, almost illegible text.
  9. Dent: Authentic shows a deeper gap/dent in the leather; fake has a smaller, less deep dent.
  10. Shape: Authentic bags have sharper corners; fake ones exhibit a wider appearance.

Short on time? Make sure of this list.

It’s easier reading this list instead of going through the entire guide.


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Ч Дэниел и Ч Дэвид

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About the Author

Дэвид - соучредитель и исполнительный директор компании Legit Check By Ch. Опыт Дэвида: 5+ лет создания образовательного контента в индустрии моды. 6+ лет работы по проверке подлинности предметов роскоши. В настоящее время Дэвид является главным редактором библиотеки LCBC, где было опубликовано 1 000 000+ слов в бесплатных руководствах для более чем 1 000 предметов.
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