Is your Anti Social Social Club real? Is it fake? Let’s verify that with our free legit check guide with a detailed comparison between a real and a the best fake.
3 quickest ways to spot fake Anti Social Social Club ASSC
1. Neck Tag
The “L” in “SOCIAL” has a correctly sized horizontal tab.
Letter “C” is curvier, with a more pronounced arch.
Horizontal tab forming the “L” in “SOCIAL” is too small.
Letter “C” opens too wide and is less arched compared to the authentic version.
2. Back
In “ANTI,” the right leg of “N” is sharply defined.
The horizontal leg of “T” is appropriately wide.
In “SOCIAL,” the bottom of “S” has the correct thickness.
In “CLUB,” there is noticeable distance between the letters “C” and “L”.
The right leg of “N” in “ANTI” isn’t sharp enough.
The bottom part of “N” appears too squared.
The horizontal leg of “T” is too short in width and excessively thick.
In “SOCIAL,” the bottom of “S” is too thick.
In “CLUB,” the letters “C” and “L” are too close together.
3. Front
In “ANTI,” the right leg of the letter “A” has the correct thickness.
The dimensions of the text are less wide, giving a more proportionate appearance.
The right leg of “A” in “ANTI” appears too thick.
In “SOCIAL,” the letter “S” is excessively thick, especially noticeable in the middle.
Overall, the text dimensions on the fake ASSC item are too wide.
Anti Social Social Club ASSC fake vs real guides for individual items
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