Learn how to spot replicas with the Legit Check By Ch Library. 1,000,000+ words worth of fake vs real comparison guides.

Explore the Library

What is the Legit Check Library?

Simply put, it’s the industry’s standard of information on how to tell between fake and real streetwear and high-end designer items.

Quickly find the item you’re trying to authenticate

Analyse and follow the checklist on how to spot the fakes.

Get the perfect set of information on how to spot the fakes

Wear proudly or, if need be, we will help you get a refund

What brands can you find in our library of fake vs real authentication guides?

The trustworthy mediator that’s all about buyers and sellers

The Legit Check Library puts itself between every seller and every buyer. This way, everyone has a public source of truth they can point at.
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Need a public place they use as a reference on how authentic items should be, and how fake items can be spotted.
The fair and neutral source that connects the two sides.
Transacting higher volumes of items, sellers need their reputation to be perfect — one slip-up and their image is shattered.
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See for yourself whether sellers with vested interests saying “Trust is, our items are legit” can be trusted

Everyone can make a claim. Few can back it. Why not find out for yourself whether you can trust a source? If you happen to be scammed, we can help.
See our library
Our whole library, perfectly organised
As an extension to our library, we’ve developed the Legit Check App. Need the… fake vs real lacing comparison of an item in a specific colourway? Reach it in a few clicks.
Download our app

Depth to every guide

With every guide we go as deeply as possible into finding flaws. Not only that, we do the best job we can at explaining these flaws, so that anyone can understand — regardless of their expertise level in the field.

Efficiency as a leading target

Every library entry is built around the best fake available. The higher a guide’s checklist item is, the more reliable it is, as it’s pointing out what the top-tier replicas get wrong. If a flaw is found on the highest-quality replica, then it will surely be there on lower-quality versions as well.

We’re users of our own product

Every time a new authenticator joins our team, the very documents used for training are the very guides we publish in our library. This way, we stand behind our guides not only with our words, but also with our actions.
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Our mission is to build the trust infrastructure for luxury buyers. No surprises, only confidence. Got the same ideal? Learn more about how we can reach our common goal.
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