How To Spot A Fake Moncler Maya Jacket (2024)

Written by
Ch David
Moncler Maya Fake vs Real
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Last Updated on April 10, 2024 by Ch David

If you are here to learn how to spot fake Moncler Maya Jackets, you are in the right place. Over here, we are going to analyze the real vs fake Moncler Maya jackets side-by-side.

This guide works for all Moncler Maya colorways.

How to tell if a Moncler Maya is real

The “MONCLER ®” neck tag can instantly tell if you have a fake Moncler jacket. Fakes always have their text and stitching on the label looking thinner than a real jacket’s.

1. Neck tag

  • The fake Moncler Maya has its “M” too thin.
  • The same “M” is not uniform on the right leg, because the leg is thicker than the left one.
  • The legs of the letter “N” on the fake Moncler Maya neck tag are too skinny.
  • The lines of stitching on the letter’s legs are not straight.
  • Then, the letter “R” is angled too much on the right leg, meaning that it is looking too curvy on the fake.
  • Generally, the fake “MONCLER” text is too thin on all characters.
  • The fake Moncler Maya has black stitches instead of white stitches surrounding the neck tag.

Finding it too hard? Reach out to our Moncler experts:

2. Badge

  • The “MONCLER” text on the badge of the fake Moncler Maya jacket is looking too thick.
  • The replica Moncler manufacturers fit too much stitching in there.
  • The bolded characters are the “M” and the “R” on the fake Moncler badge.

It may be easier for you to mark this step on your checklist with our images side-by-side.

A quick mention:

  • The steps we’ve written so far are the BEST ways to authenticate this item
  • The next few steps are still reliable methods…
  • … but they apply to non-top-versions of replicas available for this item

If in doubt, we recommend double-checking the steps we’ve explained above this line.

3. QR code

We called this tell “QR code tag”, but we are not going to talk about the QR code exactly. Instead, we are going to take a look at the Moncler logo on the real vs fake Moncler Maya jackets.

  • The fake Moncler logo has a black outline, while the legit one has a silver outline.

4. Cartoon tag

  • The fake Moncler cartoon wash tag has the yellow in the last cartoon box looking too bright, while the legit one looks darker.
  • Moncler’s logo is placed too high at the top of the cartoon wash tag, while the legit Moncler logo is lower.

5. Size tag

  • The fake “9” size number is not even centred on the tag.
  • The authentic “5” is aligned in the middle of the tag.

6. Zipper

  • The fake Moncler Maya jacket has this zipper looking too scratched and worn out.

The legit one maintained its quality and looks just fine.

Shortlist: How to tell if a Moncler jacket is real

  1. Examine the neck tag. Counterfeit versions often display thinner text.
  2. Inspect the arm’s badge. Fake Moncler Maya jackets typically showcase thicker text due to stitching.
  3. Check Moncler’s logo on the QR code tag. Authentic Moncler logos feature a white outline, while replicas have a black outline.
  4. Analyze the cartoon wash tag. Fakes may exhibit lighter colors, and the Moncler logo is often improperly placed too high.
  5. Verify the size tag on your Moncler Maya. In counterfeits, the number is commonly off-center.
  6. Scrutinize the zippers of your Moncler jacket. Fake zippers may have scratched Moncler logos with worn-off paint.

The in-depth comparison between real and fake Moncler Maya jackets, as explained above, may prove less feasible when you’re in a rush or seeking to make an online purchase.

To address this, we’ve created a succinct 20-second solution for verifying the authenticity of your Maya jacket.

Expert Moncler jacket authentication

If you’re seeking assistance in verifying the authenticity of your Moncler jacket, we’ve got you covered.

Simply provide us with high-quality images of your Moncler, and we’ll respond with the results within 24 to 48 hours. Our response will include a detailed report explaining why we believe your jacket is either genuine or counterfeit.

This concludes our guide on detecting fake Moncler jackets. We’re committed to keeping this article up to date with improved and more recent comparisons.

Need our opinion on your item’s authenticity? It’s a service we provide.

Get a fully-detailed report for why you have a real or fake item. Takes less than 48 hours!

Alternatively, use our free resources: written guides and video tutorials.

Thank you for reading this,

Ch Daniel and Ch David

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About the Author

David is the co-founder and co-CEO of Legit Check By Ch. David's experience: 5+ years of creating educational content in the fashion industry. 6+ years of authenticating luxury items. Currently, David is the Head Editor of the LCBC Library, where 1,000,000+ words have been published, in free guides, for over 1,000 items.
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