ACW AF1: How To Tell Fake Air Force 1 x A-COLD-WALL*

Written by
Ch David
how to spot fake acw af1

Last Updated on January 10, 2024 by Ch David

In this guide, we’ll take care of the A-COLD-WALL x Nike Air Force 1.

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How to spot fake ACW AF1

The quickest method to spot fake A Cold Wall Air Force 1 is by examining the size tags.

Replicas often lack the same level of quality found in authentic retail Air Force 1s.

1. Size tag

  • Authentic:
    1. “VF” Text: Located at the top right corner of the size tag and appears thinner.
    2. Middle-Right Text: Thinner compared to the fake version.
    3. Product ID Code: Positioned in the middle of the size tag, appears more prominent and thicker without looking boxy.
    4. “MADE IN CHINA”: Both lines of text are thinner than those found on fake versions.
  • Fake:
    1. “VF” Text: Appears too thick.
    2. Middle-Right Text: Also too thick compared to authentic versions.
  • Product ID Code: Looks boxy and thin.
  • “MADE IN CHINA”: These lines of text are too thick on fake shoes.

Expert's Opinion - Let us verify your Nikes:

2. Back

Find Nike‘s text logo on the back of the shoes.

  • Authentic:
    1. “NIKE” Text: Letters are thicker and not connected by extra threads.
    2. “AIR” Text: Letters “A”, “I”, and “R” have consistent and correct thickness.
    3. Material: The grey side doesn’t appear distressed and is made of the correct, authentic material.
  • Fake:
    1. “NIKE” Text: Letters are too thin and may be connected with extra threads.
    2. “AIR” Text: The letter “A” and “I” are too thin, while “R” is too thick.
    3. Material: The grey side on fake shoes looks distressed and may seem like it’s made from a different material than authentic pairs.

A quick mention:

  • The steps we’ve written so far are the BEST ways to authenticate this item
  • The next few steps are still reliable methods…
  • … but they apply to non-top-versions of replicas available for this item

If in doubt, we recommend double-checking the steps we’ve explained above this line.

3. Swoosh

  • Authentic:
    • Nike Swoosh Logo: Appears thinner and narrower with thicker stitching and a more pronounced curve at the top tip.
  • Fake:
    • Nike Swoosh Logo: Is too thick and wide with thinner stitching. The logo on fake pairs also has less curve at the top tip.

4. Tongue

  • Authentic:
    1. “ACW” Text: Appears thicker compared to the fakes.
    2. Asterisk Star: Thicker next to the “ACW” text.
    3. Unfinished Rectangle: Below the “ACW*” text, it appears thicker.
  • Fake:
    1. “ACW” Text: Too thin compared to authentic pairs.
    2. Asterisk Star: Appears too thin next to the “ACW” text.
    3. Unfinished Rectangle: Below the “ACW*” text, it appears too thin.

5. ACW Logo

Find it on the side of the shoes.

  • Authentic:
    • Thinner compared to the fakes.
  • Fake:
    • Appears too thick compared to authentic pairs.

6. Lace plates

These are at the bottom of your shoelaces.

  • Authentic:
    • “ACW” Text:* Appears thicker on the metal plates compared to the fakes.
    • Unfinished Rectangle: Below the “ACW” text, it is as thick as the “ACW*” text and appears thicker than on the fake shoes.
  • Fake:
    • “ACW” Text:* Looks too thin and not as deeply etched into the plates as it should be.
    • Unfinished Rectangle: Below the “ACW” text, this part of the logo also appears too thin.

7. Perforations

  • Authentic:
    • Toe Box Perforations: The perforation holes are smaller and more refined.
  • Fake:
    • Toe Box Perforations: The holes are wider than those on the authentic shoes.

8. Midsole

  • Authentic:
    • Midsole Stitching: The stitching on the midsole is longer and thinner.
  • Fake:
    • Midsole Stitching: Stitching appears too short and thick compared to the authentic shoes.

Short on time? Here’s the checklist you need

  1. Size Tag Text: Check the size tag of your A Cold Wall Air Force 1s. Fake shoes often have text on the size tag that appears too thick.
  2. Rear Side Details: Inspect the details on the rear side of the sneakers. Counterfeit A Cold Wall Air Force 1s frequently have text on the back of the shoes that is improperly font-weighted.
  3. Nike Swoosh Logo: Analyze the Nike Swoosh logo on the side of your ACW Air Force 1s. Fake shoes may have a Nike Swoosh logo that looks too wide, with thin stitching. Some may also have less curvy Nike Swoosh logos.
  4. Tongue Text: Check the text on the tongue of your shoes. Fake shoes often have text on the tongue that appears too thin.
  5. “ACW” Logo*: Look at the “ACW*” logo on the side of your shoes. Replicas may have a logo that looks too thick.
  6. Metal Plate Logo: Verify the “ACW*” logo on the metal plates at the bottom of the laces on your ACW Air Force 1s. Fake sneakers may have text on the metal plates that appears too thin.
  7. Toe Box Perforations: Check the perforations on the toe box of your shoes. Fake ACW Air Force 1s commonly have perforation holes on the toe box that look too wide.
  8. Midsole Stitching: Inspect the stitching on the midsole. Counterfeit Air Force 1 x ACW sneakers may have stitching on the midsole that appears too short and thick.

This quick guide should help you legit check on the go.

Expert ACW AF1 Legit Check Service

If you require assistance with authenticating your ACW Air Force 1:

  • Simply provide us pictures of your ACW Air Force 1.
  • We will provide you with our assessment within 24 to 48 hours.
  • Our response will include a detailed report explaining why we believe your sneakers are either fake or authentic.

This marks the end of our guide.

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Thank you for reading this,

Ch Daniel and Ch David

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About the Author

David is the co-founder and co-CEO of Legit Check By Ch. David's experience: 5+ years of creating educational content in the fashion industry. 6+ years of authenticating luxury items. Currently, David is the Head Editor of the LCBC Library, where 1,000,000+ words have been published, in free guides, for over 1,000 items.
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