Supreme UK Box Logo: Real VS Fake Guide (Union Jack)

Written by
Ch David
supreme union jack box logo fake vs real

Last Updated on May 29, 2024 by Ch David

This legit check guide is all about a Supreme box logo tee that’s known to have a couple of names:

  • United Kingdom box logo
  • UK box logo
  • British/Britain box logo
  • Union Jack box logo
  • London Store Opening box logo

Regardless of how people call it — we’re here to teach you how to spot fakes.

How to spot a fake Supreme UK Box Logo

To spot a fake Supreme UK box logo, inspect the neck tag’s prints. Fakes consistently hvae incorrect font-weight on the neck tag.

1. Neck tag

  • Authentic:
    • The registered trademark “®” symbol is notably thicker and larger.
    • The block of text in the middle of the label is thinner.
  • Fake:
    • The “®” symbol is too thin and small.
    • The three lines of text in the middle of the label are too thick.

Want the expert's opinion? Let us legit check your Supreme:

2. Washing prints

Flip the neck tag to its back to reveal the washing instructions.

  • Authentic:
    • The inscriptions/text are thicker and bulkier, enhancing visibility.
  • Fake:
    • The text appears way too thin and is less visible.

A quick mention:

  • The steps we’ve written so far are the BEST ways to authenticate this item
  • The next few steps are still reliable methods…
  • … but they apply to non-top-versions of replicas available for this item

If in doubt, we recommend double-checking the steps we’ve explained above this line.

3. UK box logo

  • Authentic:
    1. Sufficient empty space exists between the letters “u” and “p”.
    2. The curved leg of the letter “r” is shorter.
    3. The last letter “e” is narrower and thinner.
  • Fake:
    1. The letters “u” and “p” are too close, with minimal space between them.
    2. The letter “r” has a noticeably longer curved leg.
    3. The final letter “e” is too wide and thick.

Authenticity checklist

To provide a quicker solution, here are the top 3 indicators that can help you determine if you have a fake or genuine Supreme UK box logo tee:

  1. Examine the neck tag: Fake Supreme box logo tees often have text on the neck tag that looks too thin compared to authentic retail t-shirts.
  2. Check the text on the back of the neck tag: Fake items tend to have text that is too thin on the back of the neck tag.
  3. Inspect the lettering on the box logo: Typically, counterfeit Supreme box logo tees have improperly shaped and weighted letters with irregular spacing.

Expert’s Opinion

If you need assistance with the authentication of your Supreme Union Jack box logo tee:

  • Send our team pictures of your Supreme UK box logo tee.
  • They will send you the results within 24 to 48 hours.
  • Our results will also include a report explaining why we believe your item is either fake or authentic.

This concludes our guide on how to distinguish between fake and real Supreme Union Jack box logo t-shirts.

Need our opinion on your item’s authenticity? It’s a service we provide.

Get a fully-detailed report for why you have a real or fake item. Takes less than 48 hours!

Alternatively, use our free resources: written guides and video tutorials.

Thank you for reading this,

Ch Daniel and Ch David

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About the Author

David is the co-founder and co-CEO of Legit Check By Ch. David's experience: 5+ years of creating educational content in the fashion industry. 6+ years of authenticating luxury items. Currently, David is the Head Editor of the LCBC Library, where 1,000,000+ words have been published, in free guides, for over 1,000 items.
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