It is easy to spot fake bags if you compare side-by-side to our real vs fake images. Pick a brand & model and read how to authenticate a bag with our free tutorials!
3 quickest ways to spot fake Bags
1. Interior Label
The registered trademark “®” symbol on the authentic item is thicker.
The “LOUIS VUITTON PARIS” text on the authentic item is thinner and wider.
The “made in” text on the authentic item is thicker.
The stitching threads on the authentic item are thicker.
The registered trademark “®” symbol on the fake item is too thin.
The “LOUIS VUITTON PARIS” text on the fake item is too thick and boxy.
The “made in” text on the fake item is too thin.
The stitching threads all around the fake bag are too thin.
2. Stitching
The stitching on the authentic item is thinner compared to the replica.
In contrast, the fake item has thicker stitches.
3. Chains
The color on the authentic item is more pronounced and has a richer golden hue.
On the fake item, the color is lighter and less light-reflective in comparison.
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